
Continuing our hike toward the summit of Hidden Lake Trail......

Going to the Sun Mountain

Mount Gould

Our first view of Hidden Lake, our destination, from the summit.


If you look very carefully at the right side of this picture you can see the trail leading off into the distance.  

Brilliant blue, glacier-fed Hidden Lake lies peacefully in front of Bearhat and Reynolds mountains.

This shy marmot was busily searching for dinner among the rocks and didn't want any part of having her picture taken.

At the west end of Hidden Lake, we still have a ways to go.  The trail drops through a series of switchbacks to lake level.  You can see the trail as it nears the lake at the right center of the picture.  The full grown fir trees provide a perspective to the drop from the level at which this picture was taken to the lake.

Bearhat Mountain reflecting in Hidden Lake.

The trout were spawning at the end of the lake where the water spills down into Avalanche Creek.  The water is so clear this trout seems to be suspended in air.  Both males and females constantly defended their spawning nest from other trout. 

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