Chef Mike
Mike is a man of
many talents. Not the least of which is his ability to create
delicious meals, seemingly with little effort. Mike maintains a
ship-shape kitchen.

Kelly and Mike
But, we think Mike
may have a tomato fetish! He bought tomatoes at a roadside stand,
on a trip to Wal-Mart, then again at the Mission Farm.

Randy supervises the tomato shopping from afar. Wouldn't want to
get too close to those vegetables, you know.

Tangible evidence of Randy's grilling expertise and Mike's cooking.

Ted was supposed to make it over for dinner, but didn't. Your loss
Ted! We saved a steak for you!
A great
"Guy Week"!
Thanks Randy!

While the guys
were playing in Murphy, the girls were plotting in Orlando!

The result? Randy became a
proud new Papa!
Welcome to the newest Prosser family member, "Taffie"!