4 Corners '05

San Diego


Ice cream at a sidewalk cafe in Tomales, California.

Tomales Post Office and general store.

Coastline along California Highway 1 north of San Francisco.




Although the picture isn't great, the roadway curving off into the mountains is definitely inviting.

Tree covered roadway north of Tomales.


Redwood National Forest.
 Fog hangs low in the valley.

I was kidding Roe because he stopped at the Redwood National Forest Visitor Center expecting to find redwoods.  There were none to be seen.  Seems the joke was on me since I missed the scenic route turnoff and caused us to miss seeing the largest of the redwoods.

We did manage to see some very large redwoods along the way however.

Roe surrounded by huge redwoods.

A blooming tree hugger!

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