Leaving Wildcat Mountain for Nashville
on the new Ultra Classic!

It was a chilly morning as we left Nashville.
Irv and Don look cold at the first rest stop.

Angie and Joe

Skip and Sandy

Carl |

We rode a section of Route 66 and stopped for breakfast at the Rock Cafe
in Stroud, Oklahoma. Angie poses with the "Official" Route 66

Woody |

Skip and Sandy have their picture
taken while Don looks on. |

Tim and Teri get into the act.

Dawn, the owner of the Rock Cafe, traces the
history of the restaurant from its roots catering
to Route 66 construction crews to the present day.
 She has an attentive audience as she tells of the Rock Cafe's famous and
not so famous patrons. |

The Oklahoma City Memorial to those
killed in an insane act of violence.
 The memorial has one empty chair for each person killed that fateful
day in 1995.
 Angie and Carl's expressions as well as Al's (below) and Teri's (below
left) echoed how we all felt visiting the memorial.


Joe outside our hotel in Clovis, New Mexico.
Across the street is a very active railroad track!
The hotel gives a set of earplugs to each guest at check-in!