The Moose Cafe, above and right, is a great restaurant in Asheville,
NC. Tell them the bikers sent you.

The Moose Cafe is located near the Asheville Farmer's Market, insuring a
constant supply of fresh vegetables. Great Food!

Bikers at the Moose Cafe. The building in the upper left is the Biltmore Lodge which is under construction.
In the top left corner you can see a crane lifting a beam
above the main structure.

Thursday was a sad day. The final day of "Guy Ride
2000". Tim, Pat and I headed down I-26 to I-95 and home while
Rooster, Ricky and Brent spent another day riding the mountains before
heading home to Nashville. It was a great trip!!

We stopped at a convenience store in Brevard before checking into our
motel for the evening.

Out popped two cool dudes!!