2005 Western Trip
Capitol Reef National Park

Capitol Reef National Park


Ancient rock art, or petroglyphs. American Indian farmers of the Fremont Culture cultivated their crops along the streams of Capitol Reef until about 1300 A.D. Their most puzzling legacy may be rock art.
The meaning of rock art is unknown. The designs may have recorded religious or mythological events, migrations, hunting trips, resource locations, travel routes, celestial information and other important knowledge. Or they may depict space aliens who were on their way to Roswell to the Harley dealer.

        Don ponders the enormity of it all.

Joe practices his Titanic pose while Carl looks on in amusement.

Don and Carl - Butch and Sundance
"Are you crazy, the fall will probably kill you....  Oh S******t"

Hey, the restroom is out of order and you're 50 miles from nowhere...
when you gotta go, you gotta go!

A beautiful sight. 
Two Harley Ultras and the red rock mountains of Southern Utah.

Yes, there is a story behind this picture and the one on the right.

We had stopped in Blanding for lunch.  The little restaurant specialized in Indian Tacos, so most of us gave them a try.  Carl, in particular, seemed to enjoy the local delicacy.  As we rode along Utah Highway 163 toward the Four Corners, Carl became more and more uncomfortable.  We saw a crossroads up ahead and Carl made a beeline for the Post Office (right) looking for a restroom.  The Postal employees were wide eyed thinking "hold-up" as Carl came flying in the front door after screeching his Harley to a stop out front.  Carl asked whether they had a public restroom.  They quickly told him "NO!" and directed him to a service station/grocery a couple of blocks away.  Carl ran outside, cranked the bike, and flew down to the grocery.  We remounted our bikes and followed Carl.  As we approached the grocery we could see Carl's bike parked near the building.  A trail of rainsuit pieces, helmet, and gloves led from the bike to the grocery store.  I walked inside and asked the Indian lady cashier whether our friend was there.   She said he had run in and back to the bathroom and asked if anything was wrong.  I told her that Carl had Indian Tacos for lunch in Blanding.  She looked at me with a wise old Indian matronly look and said knowingly, "Hmmmm, Indian Tacos!". 

We all thought it was hilarious that Montezuma's revenge had struck Carl in of all places...... Montezuma Creek!  Carl, however, saw less humor in the oddity.







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