2005 Western Trip

Carl, Don and I decided to leave the rest of the gang soaking in the hot tub
and ride the San Juan Skyway, taking a detour to Mesa Verde National Park
 and the Mesa Verde cliff dwellings.



From approximately A.D. 600 through A.D. 1300 people lived and flourished in communities throughout the area, eventually building elaborate stone villages in the sheltered alcoves of the canyon walls - "cliff dwellings".  The cliff dwellings represent the last 75 to 100 years of occupation at Mesa Verde. In the late 1200s within the span of one or two generations, they left their homes and moved away.  

Carl, the cliff dweller, climbs down a ladder through a small opening into the "smoking room".


A round peg in a square hole?
Carl made friends everywhere we traveled.  People were intrigued by his Harley, his guitar, and his easy smile.

Don and Carl discuss why the cave dwellers disappeared. 
Drought, disease, war, climate change,
move closer to Wal-Mart?


Lunch at the True Grit Cafe
in Ridgway, Colorado,
under the watchful eye of John Wayne.

Carl cruises to a stop overlooking Ouray.


Ouray, Colorado. 
A mining town brought back to life as a tourist destination
with hot springs and ski resort.

The San Juan Skyway or Million Dollar Highway
US Highway 550 from Durango to Ouray

Clear mountain air and cold weather. 
Note the "skidmarks in the sky" made by a passing jet.


Plenty of snow still remains in May.


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