4 Corners '05

Fort Nelson

Downtown Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada.

Best Western Gold Rush Inn, Whitehorse.

Another great motorcycle road leading into beautiful mountain scenery.

An unusual halo of clouds surrounds this mountaintop.
  It was almost as if the mountaintop was made of dry ice giving off steam.

Watson Lake Sign Forest

Decatur, Alabama, car tag.  Close to Woody's home town.

Sandy, do you know Tom and Ann?

Roe helps look for Bob and Barbara's sign but we couldn't find it!

Bison (buffalo) herd along the Alaska Highway.

The buffalo are thinner and meaner looking than those we've seen in the US.
Must be the long cold winters.

This guy was curious about the Harleys.
Hope he doesn't think we're trying to horn in on his women!
(Pun intended)

A family of rock sheep scurry up the mountain away from the highway as we approach.

Mom and kid scurry to the safety of higher ground.
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